Improving Standards for Sexual Assault Referrals in South East Wales

The Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), sometimes referred to as ‘Safe Island’ or ‘Ynys Saff’, hosts a range of specially trained and experienced professionals that currently provide a 24-hour service for police forensic services. The centre also provides help, support and advice to people who have experienced sexual assault. With support from Welsh Government, the SARC at Cardiff Royal Infirmary has recently undergone a refurbishment which includes the development of a temporary extension.

A range of services are facilitated by the SARC, including:

·        Confidential advice to help people decide a way forward

·        Police interview facilitation in a comfortable and confidential setting

·        Emotional support and advice

·        Forensic medical examination carried out by a specially trained doctor

·        Ongoing support and advocacy through the criminal justice system

·        Specialist counselling from an experienced and qualified counsellor

The refurbishment of the centre forms part of regional work in South East Wales to improve services and care for clients. The SARC continues to be developed in partnership with the police, health and voluntary services to ensure that people who experience sexual assault get the best possible care.

Through the project, there has been a particular focus on forensic pathways. Specific ISO Forensic Standards are in place for best practice and the demands of the standards are set to increase in October 2023. With this in mind, the Health Board, its partners and Welsh Government identified there was an opportunity for improvement to safeguard provision against future standards whilst enhancing the care and experience of clients.

The SARC at Cardiff Royal Infirmary in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) will act as a hub, extending its services to Aneurin Bevan UHB and Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB. Clients will have access to SARC’s range of specialist forensic services that are run by experts in this field. The SARC will then refer clients to their local spoke service for ongoing Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (IVSA) support in Merthyr or Risca. Cardiff will remain the local spoke service for the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan area.

As part of the refurbishment work, the centre will benefit from additional examination rooms, reconfiguration for better flow of clients and additional staffing resource which will improve the client experience.

Tracey Cooper, Interim SARC Manager at Cardiff and Vale UHB, said: “The refurbishment and upgrades to our facilities at the SARC will considerably improve the experience of clients under our care. The work will simultaneously bolster forensic standards ahead of changing national guidance and ensure we are in the best position to continue to meet the future needs of both our local and regional population. We look forward to working with our colleagues, the police and other partners in the region to provide the best service we can for people who have experienced sexual assault.”

If you or someone you know has experienced a sexual assault and requires further information or support, please visit NHS 111 Wales.


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