Help us support our staff and patients

The Health Board would like to make the difficult ask of our population to only attend our sites if absolutely necessary to help us reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

We know that the amenities available on the concourse areas of our sites can be convenient for our local residents. Whilst in normal circumstances we encourage supporting our amenities, in the current situation, we would actively encourage you to use services off our sites.

The concourse facilities provide much needed refreshments and services for patients attending clinics and outpatient appointments.  Additionally, our staff experience great benefit from them during such a demanding period. Therefore, we feel it is important to keep them open in the interest of wellbeing.

Health Board staff are working exceptionally hard to maintain services and are going above and beyond to provide the best care for our patients. Our workforce is extremely fatigued after such a long period of sustained pressure. We need your help to do everything we can to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

When an individual is attending our sites for a clinic or outpatient appointment, please remember to:

·        Do a Lateral Flow Test before you attend and only attend if negative

·        Come alone (unless support is absolutely necessary)

·        Wear a face covering at all times

·        Maintain social distancing measures

·        Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer

·        Avoid using amenities on site

Your ongoing support and cooperation with this issue is extremely helpful and means a great deal to our staff during this difficult time.


December 2021: 'How Are We Doing in Wales' public engagement survey results


Your feedback matters to us!