Funding Opportunity Unpaid Carers “Short Breaks” Grant Scheme

23rd March 2023 10.30am - 12.00pm


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FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Unpaid Carers "Short Breaks" Grant Scheme Tickets, Thu 23 Mar 2023 at 10:30 | Eventbrite

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board in partnership with Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC) and Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) have allocated £283,800 in total, to support unpaid carers with short breaks from their caring role. The Fund is administered by C3SC in partnership with GVS. This Fund is to help deliver solutions in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to support the regional priority of reducing loneliness and social isolation.

Supporting life alongside caring - all unpaid carers must have the opportunity to take breaks from their caring role to enable them to maintain their own health and well-being and have a life alongside caring.

Development of this new Fund has been informed by research commissioned by Welsh Government in 2021: What A Difference a Break Makes: A Vision for the Future of Short Breaks for Unpaid Carers in Wales. The research sets out 12 key principles for short breaks which underpins the design and delivery of the Short Breaks Scheme and provides a framework for allocation of funding.

The research importantly provides the following, coproduced definition of what constitutes a short break:

Any break, which strengthens and/or sustains informal caring relationships and enhances the wellbeing of carers and the people they support. This may be achieved through a service, an activity or an item.

The Short Breaks Scheme intends to benefit 30,000 carers across Wales over the next three years through the following key aims:

• Increase the availability and accessibility of short breaks

• Provide personalised, flexible and responsive break options

• Prioritise and target short breaks to those who need it most


Free event for unpaid carers in the Vale of Glamorgan


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