Fuel Poverty Fund

This winter, National Grid’s electricity distribution business has teamed up with Localgiving to deliver grants to charitable organisations tackling fuel poverty in their communities. With the increase in fuel costs and the cost of living, many families will find paying their bills a struggle at this time of year. And in response to the continued need for support and application levels for previous funds, we are proud to be distributing £5m this Winter. But hurry, the deadline is Friday 10th November! 

Registered charities, non-profit companies limited by guarantee, or statutory bodies can apply for up to £10,000; constituted charitable organisations with no charity number can apply for up to £2000.

The Fuel Poverty fund aims to support economically disadvantaged areas and to target grassroots organisations that serve historically underrepresented and marginalised groups. Applications which achieve a long-term impact by helping beneficiaries save money on their household energy bills on an ongoing, sustainable basis are especially encouraged.

Successful projects will need to meet one of the following themes:

  • Helping individuals to access energy tariff advice or support accessing schemes, including, but not limited to, winter fuel discounts and Social Fund schemes

  • Providing energy efficiency or heating solutions to people living in fuel poverty

  • Operating a ‘Warm Bank’ in a community building

  • Improving energy efficiency in a community building used as a warm space

  • Providing warm packs to vulnerable households e.g. radiator bleed keys, heavy curtains, blankets, radiator foil etc.

  • Innovative approach to combating fuel poverty

National Grid provides electricity to eight million customers across the Midlands, South West England, and South Wales. Funding is available for registered charities, charitable companies, unregistered community organisations, and statutory bodies based in these locations who are supporting households experiencing fuel poverty. You can check if your organisation is in an eligible area here.

The programme is now live and accepting applications until midnight on Friday 10th November 2023. Organisations that complete applications will be informed of the outcome of their application by the end of November 2023. Projects must be delivered and funding spent by 31st March 2024.

If you are an existing Localgiving member then simply log into your account to apply. A link to the application form can be found under the ‘My Grants’ section of your account displayed on the left hand side of your dashboard. If you are not a Localgiving member then apply here. If you are successful with your application and are not yet a Localgiving member, you will also receive a complimentary Localgiving annual membership.

Further information about the process can be found in our Funding Guide here, which includes important eligibility information and FAQs.   


Volunteering Wales Grants scheme


Christmas Connections