Friends of Barry Beaches have "picked up" at the Keep Wales Tidy 2023 Tidy Wales Awards

The group were recognised in the Beautiful Coast Award category, at a ceremony held at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama on Wednesday 19th April 2023.

The group, which has been running for 12 years was represented by Claire Curtis and Rob Curtis, who collected the trophy and certificate from Ian Dale of Eden Tree, sponsors of the award.

The nomination read "For more than 12 years, Friends of Barry Beaches have been at the heart of community life in Barry, attracting volunteers of all ages. As well as cleaning up five beaches, the group has been encouraging businesses to make positive change and have been campaigning on important issues".  

Claire Curtis said "We are delighted that Friends of Barry Beaches has received this recognition from Keep Wales Tidy. When this group was set up in 2010, we never dreamt that over 12 years later, we would still be carrying out our monthly beach cleans, attracting volunteers old and new. This award is for everyone who has taken the time over the last decade and more to help us keep the beaches of Barry clean. Without them, there would be no Friends of Barry Beaches, so diolch." 

A further surprise was in store at the awards for Rob Curtis, who received the "Volunteer of the Year Award", sponsored by Wales and West Housing. Rob is the founder of Friends of Barry Beaches and Barry Action for Nature, two community groups based in Barry. As well as coordinating volunteer clean ups and conservation activities, Rob regularly leads campaigns to raise awareness of the threats faced by nature and the environment.  

Rob said " I was thrilled to receive this award, especially when I saw the work and dedication of the other finalists. We all need to do what we can to enhance and protect our natural environment and I am passionate about continuing to do this. But I must add that the success of the groups and campaigns is down to the volunteers and support I receive from the community and beyond, and I would like to thank everyone who has helped and supported me over the years". 

Friends of Barry Beaches is a community group, run by volunteers who hold monthly beach cleans in the local area. Find out more at



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