Four new events: Dormant assets funding in Wales

The Welsh Government is consulting on the future spending purposes for dormant assets* funding in Wales. The National Lottery Community Fund is conducting the consultation on behalf of The Welsh Government.

The Welsh Government is proposing four potential options to consider: children and young people, the climate and nature emergencies, financial inclusion and community action. It is unlikely to be able to fund all four options and will need to prioritise.

The National Lottery Community Fund is hosting a series of online events on each of the four areas we’re looking for your thoughts on. Join us to share your thoughts and experiences.

The consultation will close on 28 February 2024. You can read the consultation and respond on The Welsh Government’s website.

Click the link to sign up to an event

* A dormant asset is a financial product, such as a bank account, that the customer has not used for many years, and which the provider has been unable to reunite with. The National Lottery Community Fund has been responsible for its distribution in Wales, which has totalled £28 million since the scheme was established in 2008.


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