Criminal Justice in Wales race equality grant programme
Clinks is administering a grant programme on behalf of Criminal Justice in Wales (CJIW) as part of the development of its Race Equality Delivery Plan.
What is the Race Equality Delivery Plan?
CJIW is developing a whole system, evidence based and co-produced CJIW Race Equality Delivery Plan in line with the publication of the Welsh government’s Anti-Racist Action Plan. CJIW is currently at the stage where it wants to engage and consult with racially minoritised communities across Wales on the draft plan and is looking for a diverse range of expertise and views of those with lived experience to lead on and contribute to the plan’s development.
What are the grants for?
CJIW has allocated a budget of £50,000 to distribute to voluntary sector organisations to enable engagement with racially minoritised people including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities from across Wales and gather their views and opinions on the draft plan.
Voluntary sector organisations across Wales are invited to apply for a grant up to £5,000, with flexibility to consider applications for up to £10,000 for consortium bids. Clinks is delighted to be supporting CJIW and will be administering the grant on CJIW’s behalf.
How to apply
Please find attached to this email the grant application form and application guidance. Please submit all completed forms to The deadline for applications to be submitted is midday on Thursday 30th September 2021. If needed, CJIW and Clinks can support applicants with their application. Clinks will be the point of contact throughout the programme and can be contacted via or on 07904 978086.