CAVRA supporting Dinas Powys in adverse weather conditions

CAVRA - The Civil Aid Voluntary Rescue Association provided assistance to The Dinas Powys Community Flood Group (DPCFG) on Monday 1st January 2024, following concerns about rapidly rising river levels in the area.

A team was dispatched and arrived on scene in less than 15 minutes, where they liaised with members of the DPCFG.

CAVRA has a team of First responders (FR), Flood & Swift Water Rescue Technicians, (SRT) who, are trained in flood rescue, evacuation from vehicles, (RfV) Swift & Flood Water Rescue Boat Operators, (SFRBO) and Flood Team Commanders (FTC), and are all fully equipped and trained.

CAVRA had already put an action plan in place following discussions with DPCFG, this involved monitoring river levels and moving personnel and equipment in place should the need arise.          The aim of this was to evacuate Elderly and Vulnerable people from their homes to a place of safety.

A team of 6 people arrived on scene, monitoring the situation constantly, reassuring local residents.

At approximately 2100 it was decided to move the CAVRA Communications & Flood Support Trailer into position on the Sunnycroft Estate, should any additional equipment be required.

This trailer has additional communications and boat rescue equipment on-board and could assist in the evacuation of any residents who require evacuation.

Flood water was observed coming up through drains in a few locations, but, also flood water was coming up through kerb drains on the Sunnycroft Estate, causing much concern to local residents.

The team remain on scene until 2345 at which time water levels were beginning to drop.

However, further bad weather was expected the following day, it was agreed that we would return to scene at 1300 on Tuesday 2nd January. The team returned as agreed, but, found that water levels had dropped quite considerably, after consultation with DPCFG it was decided that we should “Stand Down.”

However, this was not the end of the incident: whilst returning to station the team came across a fallen tree on Sully Moors Road, this was causing some traffic issues, the CAVRA team cleared most of the debris from the road and winched out two large branches and placed them on the side of the road, allowing traffic to free-flow again.

The Team performed a total of 38 hours of service to the Community, travelling a total of 180 miles.

The incident was closed at 1600 on Tuesday Afternoon with many thanks to all who assisted.


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