Cardiff and Vale University Health Board escalation status increased to enhanced monitoring
On 5th October, the Minister for Health and Social Services announced that Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) has moved to the lowest level of escalation status and support, “enhanced monitoring”, as part of NHS Wales Escalation and Intervention arrangements.
The Health Board’s escalation status was increased at a Tripartite Group Meeting between Welsh Government, Wales Audit Office and the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales on the basis on not being able to submit a balanced and approvable Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP), specifically in relation to our planning and financial position.
Chief Executive Officer, Suzanne Rankin, said: “We accept the designation status applied and will continue to work on the areas to improve the overall position of our Integrated Medium Term Plan. While this is disappointing, I wouldn’t wish my team and colleagues to feel it is a reflection on their commitment and dedication to patients and their loved ones. We are yet to fully recover from the effects of responding to the pandemic and the demand for the services we deliver continues unabated. I would wish colleagues and patients to know, that despite the many challenges, I am committed to working alongside them and in partnership to address the issues we have. We will improve the experience patients we have in our care and bring a relentless focus to the quality of care and outcomes we achieve, whilst supporting the team and colleagues to find the joy at work and to thrive.
“Improving our escalation status is ultimately dependent upon the financial position of the Health Board and it’s important that we tackle the drivers underlying the financial deficit. The Health Board is in receipt of tax payer’s money who quite rightly expect their money to be well governed and used effectively to deliver high quality care and outcomes; we will seek to do exactly that. The Health Board operates within a system context and to deliver the very best use of resources the system needs to be operating smoothly. We will continue to work collaboratively with system partners to improve system efficiency seeking to realise the benefits for patients in terms of quality of care, experience and outcomes as well as the financial benefits.”
“Nevertheless, there is still much for us to celebrate across the Heath Board and it is incumbent upon us to highlight the exceptional work of colleagues, partner organisations and the Third Sector community. All of whom continue to do the day job in very challenging circumstances and I pay homage to them all – thank you.”
Chair of the Board, Charles Janczewski, said: “Like Suzanne, I too am disappointed but remain optimistic and resolute that we will turn this position around. As a Health Board we share many of the challenges faced by other organisations across the NHS Wales family as we work hard to recover our services following the damaging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Within our IMTP, I do believe that we have provided a realistic, honest and transparent account of what we believe the Health Board is able to achieve whilst fully recognising the difficulties and challenges we face.
“I am confident that with the contributions of our wonderful staff under the leadership of Suzanne and our other Executive colleagues, we will continue to do our very best for patients and the communities of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, and at the same time improve our position.
“Finally, I want to publicly acknowledge and commend the outstanding commitment and dedication of our NHS staff and partners all working towards our common goal of caring for people and keeping them well.” Read the full Written Ministerial Statement on the Welsh Government website.
Read the full Written Ministerial Statement on the Welsh Government website.