Cardiff and District RAYNET prepares for Winter
With the impending threats to energy this winter, Cardiff and District RAYNET have been putting together it’s winter energy package to allow the group to respond to potential outages in communities within Cardiff and the Vale.
Even if it’s only use is to assist local residents to put some charge in their mobile phones or to boil a kettle for a hot drink, then the group are preparing themselves to help out.
It is due to donations to the group that this service is available and recent assistance at public events has allowed them to purchase all the accessories in front of the generators to be able to offer this support.
Cardiff and District RAYNET are keen to point out that this service exists not only for the winter but any time that there is a likelihood of a prolonged power outage, this could be due to inclement weather or other reasons.
They would also like to point out that this equipment has been part of a planned improvement to its current service provision and in no way implies that any specific threat has been notified to the group and that this is purely a pro-active preparation based on previous winter observations from earlier storm effects in other parts of the UK.
If you would like to send a donation to the group, to help continue this expansion and preparation then please go to
Any amount no matter how small, will help us to continue to improve our services to the communities of Cardiff and the Vale.