Barry Amateur Swimming Club compete in the Cardiff Bay Sprint Meet

Barry Amateur Swimming Club (BASC) hosted, with the support of City of Cardiff Swimming Club, the Cardiff Bay Sprint Meet  on Saturday 6th July 2024.  Two Cups are presented to swimmers (a boy or a girl) who wins the most points over all four individual stroke races.  

 The overall winner of the Rowland Jones Cup for the top 9 year old this year was Dafydd Evans from Pontypridd ASC. The overall winner of the Brian Hardwicke Cup for 12 year olds was Harry Knight of The City of Cardiff Swimming Club.

BASC also had two Gold medals - Rosalie Garey (10) Freestyle, Charlie Bowmer (16) Butterfly and he gained several Speeding Tickets too! Thomas Debois (11) gained two Silver Medals - Backstroke and Freestyle.  Holly Stillman (13) gained a bronze medal in Breastroke and Alfie Sargeant (17) gained a speeding ticket in Freestyle. 

The City of Cardiff Swimming Club worked very hard to assist Barry ASC to make this a most successful Meet.  This year we had 12 Clubs taking part, a few less than normal as there were other events also happening at around this time, but everything ran very smoothly.  All the Clubs who attended said that they had really enjoyed the day.  For the first time we awarded Speeding Medals for swimmers who entered their race in a time below the official ‘Cut Off Time’ for the race and stroke, but who actually swam faster than this time on the day.  These Medals proved very popular among the swimmers who were awarded them.

This event was set up 35 years ago in the Cogan Leisure Centre by Mr Brian Hardwicke under the assistance of the Vale Clubs and the City of Cardiff Swimming Club, to take place over one weekend in July.  When the new Cardiff Pool opened the Meet was moved and became a One Day event in the new 50m pool. We’d like to thank everyone who took part, swimmers, officials and all other helpers and look forward to the Cardiff Bay Sprints next year.

Is your child or teenager looking for an awesome way to keep fit, meet new people and have fun?  Barry Amateur Swimming Club (BASC) is recruiting members from the age of 8+ and is especially looking for more boys.  There is currently a small waiting list for the girls section. As children progress in the Club there are plenty of opportunities to compete in club competitions and to represent the club in local Galas.

If you would like to find out more, please contact the Club, e-mail: or on Facebook at  


Stroke Association in Wales Newsletter for Spring/Summer 2024


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