Amelia Trust Farm at a Crossroads

Amelia Trust Farm in Barry is an independent charity, primarily focused on being an alternative education provision for disadvantaged and vulnerable young people. For many young people and their families, the Farm is a lifeline. 

Sarah*, whose son left the Farm’s GROW programme in 2021 said: 

'After years of battling with systems in which our son just did not fit, he found his place to thrive... The difference this team has made to not only our son, but us as a family, is undeniably one of the most positive things that's happened over the last five years.'

The Farm is also a visitor attraction, a countryside haven for anyone who needs some peace and quiet, and home to two other charities in the Vale.  

Currently, the Farm hosts the Y Daith, the Pupil Referral Unit for the Vale. In 2023, the Vale will relocate, and the charity will lose valuable income.

To continue their work with young people like Sarah’s son, the Farm is keen to develop their current offering and ensure they provide value to the local community. Amelia Trust are reaching out to different groups for their feedback, including third sector organisations across South Wales. 

If you are part of a third sector organisation, filling out this short survey will be a huge help to support the Farm’s work with young people.


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