Age Friendly Vale and the Vale 50+ Strategy Forum Survey

As you may already be aware the Public Services Board is currently in the process of applying for World Health Organisation (WHO) Age Friendly Status in the Vale with support from the Older People’s Commissioners Office. As part of this application process the PSB are looking to engage with residents to capture views on how age friendly the Vale currently is.  

To do this a short survey had been developed with the Vale 50+ Strategy Forum to find out more about what residents think about living in the Vale and how we can make it more age friendly, and to assist with the review of the Vale 50+ Forum exploring what people would like from the Vale 50+ Strategy Forum going forward and to encourage membership. 

To complete the survey please click here. The survey will run from 25/02/2022 – 31/03/2022. If you are unable to complete the online survey or you would like to submit more detailed feedback, please email: or call 01446 700111. 

Responses will help the Forum to develop and help partners better understand what more can be done across the Vale to ensure the Vale is a place where people of all ages can live happily and healthily, especially as we grow older.  

In order for this work to be informed by the views of as many people as possible we’d really appreciate you forwarding the survey on to any network/contact groups you think may find it useful.  

More information on the work to become an Age Friendly Vale can be seen here.


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