Activities Team Volunteer for Mental Health
The Activities Team is a dedicated team of staff who provide recovery focused activities to promote self-esteem and encourage positive engagement with healthcare staff and interventions. The aim of the Activity Team is to ensure that patient experience is of high quality.
This role is not appropriate for those with lived experience of the mental health wards.
Volunteers aged 18+ support staff in the facilitation of structured activities within Hafan-y-Coed mental health unit. These could include helping patients to engage in:
Art groups
Health and beauty groups
Music groups
Playing board games
Social groups
Sports sessions (such as football and netball)
Time commitment: A suggested weekly time commitment is 2 hours per week, days and hours negotiable with the organisation, with a longer-term time commitment for at least 6 months
Expenses reimbursed: Travel expenses are reimbursed to/from location on day of volunteering.
Training provided: Full training is provided. Volunteers will need to undertake Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Training and Induction as well as an appropriate level of manual handling and violence and aggression training.
Selection procedure: Informal discussion, application form completion, occupational health check, 2 references and a disclosure and barring check.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.